2002 Newsletter


Exciting times for Turnberry!


We’ve crossed the Tasman – Turnberry Farm Australia’s born!


New land – new challenges – new opportunities – same sheep!


In April this year Bill flew over to Melbourne and travelled further on Princes Highway, southwest for about 2 ½ hours to Camperdown and another 15 min to Bookaar where our new Turnberry Farm is located! The last 9 kms are gravel road and absolutely straight – quite a different approach than to Turnberry Farm New Zealand! And also the farmland is quite different: 1464 acres absolutely flat land with one hill at the horizon!

Quite different but quite exciting – what an adventure!


In May the whole family – Simon and I and our three children Benjamin, Jessica and Luca – flew over to Melbourne and settled in on our new bit of dirt! We stayed over there for 3 ½ months and just recently got back from our OE! A Manager from New Zealand has now taken over.


Also in May a different kind of passengers crossed the Tasman to reach Turnberry Farm in Bookaar: 495 frozen embryos out of New Zealand Carthew Coopworths and Carthew Landcorp Lamb Supreme sheep arrived safe in our woolshed! Under a little bit different circumstances the embryos got thawed and implanted in Australian Coopworth X mothers.


This September Bill will be on his way over to Australia again to keep the foxes and other pests (ie snakes) away and make sure those ET lambs will hit the Australian ground safe’n’sound! Anyway: It will be quite nice to see a “familiar Kiwi face” when one’s just born in a foreign country?


This is just the beginning of a Carthew Coopworths and Carthew Landcorp Lamb Supreme flock overseas! We’re looking forward to the new challenges this will bring and the new things we’ll have to learn in the foreign environment!


This new venture is the result of an increasing demand for our rams in Australia – their market is moving in the same direction as ours, ie. A highly productive maternal breed, complimented by a Terminal Sire line to maximise lamb production.

The application of new technology is making this happen and we are committed to breeding the very best genetics to ensure all our ram clients make significant progress in achieving their goals.


In Switzerland we’d say: “Who rests rusts” – so we better keep moving!



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Jemma Cheer
Freelance graphic designer, mainly into doing logos and identity systems, but loves everything that involves thinking and looking at things.

2004 Newsletter


2001 Newsletter